Females Bodybuilder Photos Gallery

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ringing in the New Year with David Hoffman

This is my third posting of David and it's like discovering him all over again.
I just can't get over what a fine looking assemblage of cells he is. Photos by Robert Reiff.
Happy New Year Everyone

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sheila Bleck Interview - IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder

Female Muscle Hottie

When were you born?

Sheila Bleck: 10-14-74

What do you do for fun that does not relate to the sport, do you have any hobbies?

Sheila Bleck: In ways everything I do relates to my sport. Dance choreography, enjoy listening to music for it not only helps with motivation but also helps me create and choreograph. I enjoy cooking; making new diet prep plans ect. But on a real down time, I enjoy just Being outside I love nature. I’m not much of a TV person but when UFC or MMA fights are on, I get glued to that. If not paying attention to bodybuilding I am paying attention to our fighters out there…

How and when did you get involved in weight training?

Sheila Bleck: have a hard time answering this question every time. Got involved at a very young age. Influenced by watching the Hulk and Rocky.

Female Muscle Hottie

How often do you train and could you give a brief overview of your weekly workout?

Sheila Bleck: everyday, as years gone by, I have more need to train everyday, perhaps one day be just Focused on cardio, stretching, balances and transitions. Not going to type out my workout Overview it’s too much.

How critical is a good diet in this sport and why?

Sheila Bleck: I always found it critical. If you don’t eat right you feel tired, lethargic, and gloomy which leads to depressed like emotions or anger. For in this sport, it will show if you don’t eat right. How? Easy one will carry to much body fat and hold a lot of water in the fat as well under the skin showing no definition.

Female Muscle Hottie

What is your favorite workout and why?

Sheila Bleck: I don’t have a favorite, I enjoy all my workouts. Each waking day I know what I am training and how I am going to go about it, it’s a mindset and I love it all!

Do you train harder for competition preparation versus training in the offseason?

Sheila Bleck: I train hard no matter what the season is. The difference is, the goal on prep is to keep your body in fat burning mode. While awake, and during your sleep. I split up my workouts in two’s, then last four weeks into three’s. The diet is different to. I make sure I never skip my meals and pay close attention to what is going in as well as my energy output, its more science involved during prep and focus is non stop and you get very quiet. So its not just the training, what makes its harder is how your diet is kept along with not missing supplements it’s a non stop thing for a solid 12weeks and it will show in the end of finishing product, Your physique!

Did you want to compete from the day you started or did you gradually come in to it?

Sheila Bleck: No of course not, its something that gradually came about. I always was into training mixed it with modern dance for that’s what I did in junior high into high school, in which I did do the dance shows and I was apart of a contest for which my dance that I choreographed won! There on went into my first gym around 15yrs old. Within a year I went onto a powerlifting team, did that for two years and competed as well. After high school graduation had plenty of training under my belt as well as performing in front of an audience. So I prepped for my first show when I was 18yrs old.

When and what was your first competition and how did you do?

Sheila Bleck: Bill Pearl Classic in 1993 place 2nd in heavy weight novice class.

How often do you compete now?

Sheila Bleck: At least once a year, I have done more in my time up to three but its best to keep it within one or two a year.

Female Muscle Hottie

Could you list the competitions you have competed in and your placement?

Sheila Bleck:
Bill Pearl Classic 1993 2nd place heavy /Oregon Coast 1995 1st place heavy /Oregon State 1998 1st place heavy/ Oregon State 1999 1st place heavy/ Oregon State 2000 Overall/ Emerald Cup 2000 Overall/ USAs nationals 2000 16th/ Contra Costa 2002 Overall/ Nationals 2003 6th place heavy/ Nationals 2005 12th/ USAs nationals 2006 3rd place heavy/ Nationals 2006 3rd place heavy/ USAs nationals 2007 2nd place heavy/ Nationals 2008 Overall earned Pro Card.

In your opinion what is your best body part?

Sheila Bleck: Honestly I don’t have one lol! My physique anymore is well balanced and I am very happy with after all these years what each body part has developed. I always wanted abs all year round made that happen several years ago, next was bringing in my glutes more and they get better and better every year so I train that area about three times a week not including cardio glute training. So perhaps right now that may be my favorite area because I so focused on it right now.

Female Muscle Hottie

Is women’s bodybuilding as respected as men’s bodybuilding or is it criticized more?

Sheila Bleck: Women’s bodybuilding is not as respected as the men’s. Perhaps several years ago it was, but now days it is not. There is no shade of gray for us. Its either folks love it, or they dislike it and will make hideous remarks toward us. But then again anything I do, I did it for my own not for others to sugar coat me. But I will say this, we may get barked on, but guess who are the first people to reach out to us if your health isn’t where you want it to be, or if you always tired and wonder where we find the energy or the time, how come this and that!! Questions are endless but then again we are freaks right?? So leave us alone, and answer your own damn questions and quick pointing figures and blame! only losers do that or people who are absolutely unhappy with themselves or unhappy about something, they missing something within but that’s not our fault. Some need to be accountable for their own self-neglect.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Sheila Bleck: To be completely debt free lol! Would love to have my own home. Love to be married and have a small business that we can call ours. I believe I still be involved with the industry. Perhaps by then I may have put up the competing thing but have my own studio to teach others how to pose, transitions and choreograph their routines. That’s where my heart is at.

Female Muscle Hottie
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Frances Anza Interview

Where and when were you born?

I was born in Bronx N.Y. in October 15, 1969.

What is your profession?

I got a Bachelor Degree in Communications, A Master Degree in Marketing Management, and Certified Aerobic Instructor and Personal Trainer by Aerobic International Training in Puerto Rico sponsor by (ACE), Power Pace Instructor and Kickboxing Aerobic Instructor.

What do you do for fun that does not relate to the sport, do you have any hobbies?

I love to read everything related to our Spiritual Growing and Personal Best, I meditate, enjoy quiet days watching TV and once in a while go out to Dance.

How and when did you get involved in weight training?

I always wanted to be a bodybuilder but was too busy with Collage and work, until my own health (Stomach Ulcer) by having a bad nutrition force me to start eating healthy, and had to lose weight and one thing lead to another, it became my lifestyle.

How often do you train and could you give a brief overview of your weekly workout?

When I’m off season I train 5 days a week but when I’m getting ready for competition I do it 6 days in road. My weekly train is Mondays and Thursday Legs (high reps and sets) Tuesdays and Fridays Shoulder, Triceps, Biceps (Heavy); Wednesdays Back and Chest (Circuit Training) And Saturdays Abs, and Circuit or Triceps and Biceps. Cardio (Run 6 to 7 miles every morning) and 8 to 6 weeks before shows twice a day, but my second cardio is just 30 minutes of Stepper or Elliptic.

How critical is a good diet in this sport and why?

I would say is the most important part of it, without a good diet it doesn’t matter how well or hard we train the outcome is not going to be the same, and that makes a difference between placing in a good position or none at all. Personally for me is 75% diet, 20 % Training and 5% resting well.

Do you train harder for competition preparation versus training in the offseason?

I train hard all year long, my off seasons are also important because If I let go or take to easy when my 16 weeks prior to a competition have to be more intense so I preferred to keep training hard, just do cardio once a day for 4 to 5 days and then when I’m getting closer to the event the transition will be easier, just add more sets and reps and the second cardio.

Did you want to compete from the day you started or did you gradually come in to it?

No, I knew from the beginning that I really wanted to compete, I remember seeing the fitness magazines and admiring the bodies I saw and wishing that someday I would have the body, and compete, so far I achieved it, I been getting to know my body daily and know what works for me, and after 5 years being in bodybuilding and placing top 3 in P.R. I then decided to change to Figure since 2006 and it’s also been a blessing, my goal and dream is to become an IFBB Pro in Figure.

When and what was your first competition and how did you do?

My First Competition was in Puerto Rico ( Copa Viva Mas 2000) and I won first place and Overall.

How often do you compete now?

Since 2000 every year, I stopped on 2002 took a break and came back better 2003 until 2005 then switch to Figure, since 2006 competing in the U.S., and International Events with PR BB Federation.

Could you list the competitions you have competed in and your placement?

2009- Ms.Puerto Rico Figure 2009 2nd Place

2008- IFBB Women’s World Championship of Bodybuilding, Body Fitness and Fitness in Santa Susanna, Spain

2008- Ms. Puerto Rico Figure 2008 Won 1st Place and Overall

2008- Jr.Nationals in Chicago 15 Place Figure Class B

2007 - Central American and Caribbean Bodybuilding, Fitness and Body Fitness Championships, Bermuda: 5th Place
2007 - NPC Atlantic City Figure Championships, Atlantic City: 3rd Place Figure Class C
2007 - Europa Super Show/Dallas, Texas: 8 Place Figure Class C
2006 - New York, Bev Francis NPC Atlantic State Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championship 8 Place Figure Class B
2006 - New York, Bev Francis NPC Atlantic State Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championship 8 Place Figure Class B

As A Bodybuilder:

2004 - Body Rock, - 5th Place MW Bodybuilding
Ultimate Bodybuilding Championship- 3rd Place Open
Ms. & Mr. Puerto Rico 2nd Place Open
2003 - 4ta Copa Viva Mas- 1st Place Open
Ismael Classic- 1st Place Open
Universal Classic- 3rd place Open
Ms. & Mr. Puerto Rico 2nd Place
Lima, Peru- Iberoamericanos 6th Place Open
2001- Copa Viva 2nd place Open
Ms. & Mr. Puerto Rico 3rd Place Open
2000 - (In P. R.) Copa Viva Mas 1st Place,
Circuito Clasificatorio- 1st Place Middle Weight

2007 - Central American and Caribbean Bodybuilding, Fitness and Body Fitness Championships, Bermuda: 5th Place
2007 - NPC Atlantic City Figure Championships, Atlantic City: 3rd Place t Place Middle Weight

In your opinion what is your best body part?

My best body part is Legs and at the same time is the one that I have to train the hardest.

Is women’s bodybuilding as respected as men’s bodybuilding or is it criticized more?

Unfortunely people still criticized us more, because they think that a woman shouldn’t have to much muscle, but I think that is our duty as athletes and trainers to educate people that choosing a sport that can be consider extreme (in my opinion) the training and diet is hard, we still are feminine and at the end is also about choosing a healthy lifestyle, because once we chose to compete and be an athlete discipline, will power and structure is the main key in this sport and being out dancing all night and not eating healthy is impossible to achieve our goals.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Well as an athlete obtaining my Pro card in 2010 (God willing) and Qualify for the Ms.International and Ms.Olympia and as Business woman right now I’m working very hard to become a Fitness Icon through my Company Figure and Fitness Lifestyle training other woman for competitions and they are doing great, training my clients helping them to achieved healthy goals, working with everything related to this industry, launching my fitness cloth line and supplements.

Visit her website
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hunks for the Day

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Zach Thomas

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wednesday, December 31, 2008


via SpeedoJunkie
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Swimmer in Blue

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hedo Turkoglu

Turkish professional basketball player currently with the NBA's Orlando Magic
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Football Moment

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Theresa Hendricks Interview

Where and when were you born?

I was born in Miami Fla on March 1st 1961

What is your profession?

I am a professional Photographer in the art of commercial and portraiture photography and fashion. I run Reflexavision.

What exactly is Reflexavision?

Reflexavision is my new company that I have just started. It is a combination of my talented services that I have to offer. I felt compelled to offer my services and talents in choreography and photography to help others achieve their best and raise the sport we love to a new level. I have overheard often by the crowds, promoters, judges, photographers, and athletes that there is a need for greater artistry in the industry. The crowds want entertainment, the promoters want more crowds, the judges want more creative posing styles, the photographers are looking for models who can save them time and energy and the athletes want to be noticed.
My Photo Booth Camps will teach all of the athlete models - Different facial expressions - Posing your body within your surroundings - Blend in with nature on location - Posing sexy in a bedroom scene, office, closet, bathroom, living room - Being flirtatious on camera - Posing using your clothes to emphasize your body and sex appeal - Photo shoots will take place in Studio and Outdoors on location
You will watch as I demonstrate for you many different moves in each scenario. Then you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned. Afterward you will be photographed by me as I guide, instruct and pose you through your moves. My qualifications can been seen at
My First Photo Boot Camp workshop starts April 17th & 18th 2010
To reserve your spot go to

What do you do for fun that does not relate to the sport, do you have any hobbies?

LOL! Fun! There is no time for fun! The real fun beings in the off season of training which is very short. Fun for me is eating and drinking LOL! I love to go dancing, so I will do more of that with hubby. I love to go visit my kids and granddaughter in Atlanta. The most fun I had with my girls is when we went to Canada for my daughters 18th birthday, we went snowmobiling, horse back riding, dog sledding, skiing, and my girls and I went out one night and did lots of shooters, played darts and flirted with men! Well they did, men were flirting with me LOL! I am married! I also love when the Holidays come around and all of the family is together, we will play mind blowing mental strategy games and drink some until we can’t keep our eyes open anymore! It gets very loud in my house, the Hendricks men and wives our very funny, talkative, fun! And have strong voices, I usually get very hoarse from trying to be heard over the noise LOL! I will lose my voice for about 2 days. But I love it!

How and when did you get involved in weight training?

Part of my background and personality is very competitive and I have an inner drive to achieve. I began winning the Presidential Physical Fitness Awards in sixth grade. I played field hockey, softball, did track and field in High School. I wanted to play all the sports and box to, but women were not allowed on the football team, wrestling, and the like. I started lifting weights in a 10th grade co-ed gym class; I was on a mission to be stronger than the boys.

The first bodybuilding show I did was in the 80’s I was 18yrs old. The first show I did I took 1st place and best poser, I did one other show after that and finished 2nd place one month later. Then one day at the gym while looking in the mirror I saw dark circles under my eye’s and thought, I don’t like the way that my face is looking, and that was a look of tiredness; I thought in my head and said to myself at 18 I should not be looking like this, so I quit training for shows and just kept weight training for fun.

At 20yrs I was common law married to a man 10yrs my senior and I was running his Million Dollar a year produce company and still training just for the hell of it. I have always love lifting weights and staying strong, a girl never knows when she may be put in a serious situation and will need to be able to protect herself.

How often do you train and could you give a brief overview of your weekly workout?

I weight train 5 days a week. Each day I work a different body part, I do not do splits, and I don’t even know what they are! On a typical day each body part that I train will consist of about 7 different exercises, each exercises will have around 4 sets, with 8 to 15 reps in it. The lower reps are for maintaining size and the higher reps are for developing the cuts. Starting at around 4 weeks out from a show my cardio will be like 2 hrs a day, 1 hr in the morning before I eat, and the other hour after weight training 7 days a week.

How critical is a good diet in this sport and why?

I do not develop my own diet and workout plans, I have a coach for this! So I just follow what they say to do. I will admit there have been times that I will cheat on my diet even up to 2 weeks out. And when I say cheat, I mean I am eating pop corn at the movies and sometimes even a bad of twizzlers! I am strong at times with my diet, but I also can very weak on them! This is more than likley why my legs don’t come in as tight and as hard as some would like to see them LOL! You know who you are!!! But all of that will be changing soon! I hope to be looking different in this dept come this Nov at the Nationals! I can remember one time when I did go 12 weeks with out cheating on my diet and my legs were banging tight and hard! Dieting is very hard to do, especially when you are on some kind of diet year round, even in the off season I am on a diet that may only let me eat 3 free meals per week!

What is your favorite workout and why?

I love working shoulders! Why because I love to see them swell up, become rounder and fuller! And I love watching the men looking at them wishing that they could have my size or do a 40lbs dumbbell shoulder press!

Do you train harder for competition preparation versus training in the off season?

No I actually train harder in my off season; this is the time to build size for me! But this frustrates me to no ends! I train hard for size but yet I can not put on anymore size, so for me it’s like training just to maintain what I have. I am all natural, drug free, never have done a drug in my life pertaining to this sport! I really don’t even care anyways about getting more size except in certain areas of my body. The body parts that I would like more size in are my lats, and I would like a bit more thickness in my back! I love looking strong but also love looking feminine!

Did you want to compete from the day you started or did you gradually come in to it?

Yes! I started training just so that I could compete back in the 80’s. Then I quit, and decided to start competing again in 2004 but this time as a fitness competitor. But then after a few fitness shows the judges talked me into going over to bodybuilding. I told them no at first, because I felt that I could have never competed against girls that did enhancement drugs, nor would I ever do them! They assured me that I would be fine and that I would not have to do them, and that they liked the way I looked naturally, so I said ok, I’ll give it a try! And ever since then I have been doing very well in the sport! So I want to thank the judges who believed in me to direct me in the right direction of the sport that I have always loved the most, and that is bodybuilding!

How often do you compete now? I try to do a least 3 show per year!

I'll try to do the Masters, The Team Uv, and then the Nationals. Next year my plan is to do the Arnolds, this will be my first time doing this show, then the Masters, Team Uv one more time!!!! Only LOL it is getting embarrassing to me to keep coming in 2nd place. And I am tired of being the Bridesmaid! I WANT TO GO TO THE WORLDS! The Hendricks men are in the ARMY fighting for our country and I to want them to see their wife / mother fighting for our Country at the World Bodybuilding Championships!

Could you list the competitions you have competed in and your placement?

Yes from the earliest to present.
Choo Choo Classic - 1981
Body Building
Chattanooga, TN
Overall First Place
Best Poser

Capitol Classic – 2004
Montgomery, AL
3rd Place

Georgia State Championship – 2004
Morrow, GA
2nd Place

Junior USA Nationals – 2005
Charleston, SC
3rd Place – Tall

NPC Fitness Nationals – 2005
Atlanta, GA
5th Place - Tall

Pittsburgh NPC Bodybuilding Championships – 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
1st Place – Heavyweight

NPC Junior Nationals – 2006
Chicago, IL
1st Place – Lt. Heavyweight

NPC Team Universe - 2006
New York, NY
2nd Place – Heavyweight

NPC Bodybuilding Nationals – 2006
Miami, FL
5th Place – Heavyweight

NPC Team Universe - 2007
New York, NY
2nd Place Heavyweight
NPC Masters - 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
4th place Light Heavyweight
NPC USA'S - 2007
Las Vegas, NV
12th Place - Light Heavyweight

Off in 2008 due to many injuries

NPC Team UV – 2009
NY City
2nd place HW Class

2009 Nationals Next!

What are your future competition goals?

To do well at the Nationals coming up in Nov. Next year going to the Worlds from the Team UV or maybe enter the Masters Worlds. I would like to get my pro card and to compete in the Ms. Olympia competition and win it as an all natural girl! I no some of you are laughing now, but hey one can dream right LOL! But this is my goal!
In your opinion what is your best body part? My shoulders and my abs!

Is women’s bodybuilding as respected as men’s bodybuilding or is it criticized more?

This depends on who you are targeting when you ask this question. I would say that most of the fans respect it because they know that amount of time, energy and hard work that we put into our training. Then I would say this! most of the general public doesn’t like it! For most men it is a turn off to see a woman looking like more of a man then they are! I mean come on, when a woman has more muscles then most of the guys at the gym; and sounds like a dude! That is pretty scary to most anyone! And the general woman! Forget it! They are so scared to even hire a woman bodybuilder as their personal trainer because the first thing they are thinking is that they do not want to look like some of us! For the most part, women will come up to me and compliment me on my arms and state that they would love to have them! Most men just want my abs LOL!

Now! In my opinion when it comes to advertisers in the media world, TV, Magazines, Movies, Supplements companies, there is no respect for the Female Bodybuilder! This up sets me and is very unfair! The men in our sport are making money with their hard muscular bodies and that’s fine with me they deserve it! But there are plenty of very attractive Fitness, and Female Bodybuilders who look very fem that are not overly developed that I feel should start getting signed on to promote products and be featured in the media world. Times are changing! America is screaming for a healthier Nation! Most people are fat and over weight and want to get healthier and get in shape, but instead of having more commercials on TV featuring a pretty fit fem looking female bodybuilder or even female fitness competitor they still are using the typical average skinny fit chick to sell a product, just look at the Nike Commercials or other well known sporting goods companies commercials; do you see a known female face in our sport there? And to the promoters of supplements and protein powders in the business of targeting the Bodybuilder, or the average guy who wants to get bigger, know this! The females that you are not using to advertise your products are the ones using your products to; it’s not just the guys buying your stuff! There are plenty of female athletes in the world today! Wake up!

How do you feel about drug use in the sport and have you ever used any?

It’s sad! I hope to help bring the sport back around to the look of the late 80’s when the female bodybuilder still looked like a woman! To all the young ladies thinking about coming into the sport of bodybuilding I hope to encourage you and influence you. I would like to say this! Start your training at a young age like I did starting earlier. I started lifting weights for the fun of it when I was in 10th grade. I only stopped lifting weights for about 3 yrs in total in my life and I am now 48yrs! I took off those three years due to school and having kids. Don’t be inpatietint to get size, this is usually when girls start taking drugs because they are not willing to work hard naturally on their own, and they are not usually eating the right amounts of proteins! Bigger is not always better in our sport, it is the condition that you bring to the stage. I am proud to say that I have placed very well in my shows compared to many younger ladies that were way bigger than me. Please do not do the drugs, there are so many side effects that are life long and that can kill you.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself still training to live a healthier life, and to live longer! I hope to have a pro card way before then LOL! I don’t want to think that I’ll still be on stage competing at the age of 58yrs! I would like to become a promoter of my own bodybuilding show one day. I would also like to have written a book about my life. I would also love to get a contract with the NPC to put on a stage production show during intermission time at some of the bigger show events! I am a choreographer at heart and the music is alive in my soul!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008



Branch Warren
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christy Resendes Interview

Where and when were you born?

I was born in New Bedford Massachusetts on November 20th 1977

What is your profession?

Modeling pays the bills, but bodybuilding is my way of life.

What do you do for fun that does not relate to the sport, do you have any hobbies?

All kinds of stuff, I love to draw, play video games, dance, cook, and hang out with family and friends. I love to travel and enjoy trying new things.

How and when did you get involved in weight training?

My mother decided that she was going to compete in her 1st bodybuilding show in 1992. After seeing her win her first bodybuilding show, I thought to myself that it would be cool if I could win that same show next year. So when I was 15, three months before the 1993, show I started to weight train. I won first place and I have been hooked ever since.

How often do you train and could you give a brief overview of your weekly workout?

Currently I am off season and I train a minimum 4 times per week and max 14 times per week. I am always changing up my training style and methods. However, I always separate weight training sessions from cardiovascular training. For example, I may end up doing cardio in the morning and lifting at night, or I might just weight train and not include cardio at all. I like to keep my muscles guessing.

Mon. 9am 45mins Stairmaster on lvl 5
4pm Back: 3 sets/ 6-8 reps
exercises: Dead lifts, Dumbbell Rows, Lateral Pull downs alternating grips,
Pull ups, and lower back extensions
Tue. 9am 45mins Elliptical on hill training lvl 7
4pm Legs: 3 sets/ 6-8 reps
exercises: Squats, Lunges, Leg press, Leg extensions
Stiff leg dead lift, lying leg curls, Seated leg curls
Calve press, Seated Calve raises, Donkey calve raises
Tur. 4pm Chest: 3 sets/ 6-8 reps
exercises: Flat, Incline, Decline Bench press, Cable flies
Fri. 4pm Abs & Forearms: 3 sets/ 8-50 reps
exercises: Ab crunch Machine, Oblique machine, Hanging leg raises
wrist curls with rope, Dumbbell wrist curls, Barbell wrist curls
Sat. 9am 45mins Stairmaster on lvl 5
4pm Bi’s & Tri’s: 3 sets/ 6-8 reps
exercises: Dumbbell curls, Concentration curls, Hammer curls, Skull crushers
Close grip bench, Triceps Over Head Press, Tricep Dips, Tricep Extension
Sun. 9am 45mins Elliptical on hill training lvl 7
4pm Shoulders & Traps: 3 sets/ 6-8 reps
exercises: Hammer strength press, Front lateral raise, Dumbbell shoulder press
Dumbbell shrugs, Barbell shrugs, Upright rows

How critical is a good diet in this sport and why?

Very, very, very critical it’s what helps replenish muscles after training and keeps our metabolism high. It’s how we manipulate our body fat and hydration levels prior to a competition so that we get to see the cross striations in our muscles. Diet is a key element in this sport.

What is your favorite workout and why?

My favorite workout is a leg workout, because it’s my strongest body part and I love moving heavy weight.

Do you train harder for competition preparation versus training in the offseason?

I wouldn’t say harder, just differently. The goals in off season are to add mass, so I train with heavier amounts of weight and less cardiovascular training. Competition prep is to lean out and maintain mass so cardio levels increase and the amount of weight used decreases and reps increase.

Did you want to compete from the day you started or did you gradually come in to it?

I started lifting with the intention to compete in a bodybuilding show 3 months after starting. I knew what I wanted and threw myself into the bodybuilding world.

When and what was your first competition and how did you do?

10/16/93 - ANBC Whaling City Bodybuilding Championships , 1st Place Overall, Best Poser (age 15) I killed it.

How often do you compete now?

I compete once per year. I would love to compete more but the cost of competing is high.

Could you list the competitions you have competed in and your placement?

10/16/93 - ANBC Whaling City Bodybuilding Championships, 1st Place Overall, Best Poser (age 15)
10/30/04 - ANBC-New England Natural Bodybuilding & Figure Championships, Novice and Open Women Overall 1st Place, Best Poser
11/04/04 - ANBC-U.S. ANBC Naturals Bodybuilding, Figure & fitness Championships, Open Women Tall 1st place - Earned Pro Status
04/23/05 - Muscle Mania Atlantic, Open Women 1st place
05/08/05 - NPC-2005 New England Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships, Heavy Weight 2nd place
08/20/2005 - NAS-2005 Hudson River Strongman 1st place - Qualified for Nationals
09/24/2005 - NPC-Northeastern Tournament of Champions Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Figure Championships In conjunction with Massachusetts State Bodybuilding Championships Placing: 2nd in both shows and Qualified for Nationals & Team Universe
10/08/2005-IFPA InShape Online.com Pro Classic, Placing: 2nd
11/05/2005- INBF Monster Mash, Placing: 4th
11/19&20/2005 –MuscleMania World, Placing: 3rd
04/1/2006 –NAS- Stronger than All 2, Placing: 5th in the women’s heavy weight
2006 NGA Pro Universe - 6th Place
2006 NGA Granite State Open* - Overall Bodybuilding Champion & 1st Place in Heavyweight *Awarded NGA Pro card
2006 IFPA US Capital Pro Classic - 5th Place
07/13&14/2007 Team Universe Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships National level Competition - 3rd Women’s Heavyweight
03/5&7/2008 Arnold Amateur IFBB International Bodybuilding, Fitness, and Figure Championships - 5th Women's Middleweight
07/25/2009 NPC USA Bodybuilding, Fitness and Bikini Championships – 9th Woman’s Light Heavyweight

In your opinion what is your best body part?

I think my quads are my best body part.

Is women’s bodybuilding as respected as men’s bodybuilding or is it criticized more?

Good question, in my opinion I think that the general population has a preconceived notion of what is feminine and what is considered masculine. In general it is acceptable for a male to be muscular, but the feeling I get from the general public about female bodybuilders is usually more criticized.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I will be retired, still bodybuilding, own some real-estate properties, invested in stocks, owing businesses, and traveling the world. Oh and I will be financially independent ;-)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sharing a Laugh at the Lockers

Aussie rugger Luke O'Donnell shares a laugh with a teammate in the locker room
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Andy Haman

More pics of Andy from photos by Kevin Horton.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Juliana Malacarne

One of the top pro figure athletes is , a beautiful Italian who was born in Brazil. Her pro card was earned in 2006 and she continues to wow the judges with her amazing physique. A short biography of her can be found at . Competition photos can be found at and . Videos of her can be seen on and at . Check out her personal and page for even more fantastic photos!

Image from taken by: Juan Carlos Lopez
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amber DeLuca

is a gorgeous American Indian, female bodybuilder who has a long list of achievements that can be read at . Great photo galleries of her can be viewed at , , and of course her . Videos of her can be seen on , enjoy!

Image from taken by James Cook
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Water Polo Team

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Todd Sanfield

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Muscle Jocks of the Day

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nicole Ball

is a hot Canadian, pro bodybuilder who earned her pro card in 2006 at the . Competition photos of her can be seen at and . A great profile and photos are at and an interview is at . Lastly check out for great videos and her for everything you need to know about Nicole.

Image from
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monica Martin

is a sexy Brazilian Pro bodybuilder who set foot on the stage in 1994 and won! From there she continued and earned her pro card in 1998. Great profiles of her can be found at and . If you'd like to see more then these great legs, photos of her can be found at and . Amazing videos of her can be found and her which is fantastic! Check her out, she'll appreciate it ;)

Image from
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


is one of the best sites for high definition photos and videos of female muscle. There are hundreds of media files added monthly and thousands that are already posted. If you need an overwhelming supply of high quality, muscular, hard-bodied women you've come to the right place!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A fantastic blog is . It constantly updates with great photos, videos and all the information you need to get through the day. This one is a keeper and always a nice place to find female muscle.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


is a great site that has daily voting contests, which is great for involvement. They also have numerous photos, videos and areas dedicated to each individual athlete. It's a different approach then the norm, but it's definitely worth dropping by.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jessie Godderz

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


is one of the leading sites for webcam video chats. Within minutes you can be one on one with a hard-bodied female in the industry. There are also great photo galleries and videos to check out. This site is nice!
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