Females Bodybuilder Photos Gallery

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Once Again, Ronny Rockel

Scans of Ronny from photos by Alex Ardenti.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sorry, no scans today. Please be patient.
Sunday, September 28, 2008

More Ronny Rockel

Ronny Rockel scanned from more photos by Alex Ardenti.
As an aside, I'm not happy with that last one. First, some resolution was lost as it was taken from a small image. Second, I should have worked more on the middle ground, but once I realized that I felt I had invested too much time to scrap it and start over.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Couple More Guys

On top is Ronny Rockel from an Alex Ardenti photo. I'll be posting more of this popular bodybuilder.
On the bottom is Armon Abidi. I've been working on this one for awhile and I would guess the photographer is Chris Lund, though I can't recall.
Saturday, September 27, 2008


Το Α και το Ω σε αυτό το blog είναι να παρουσιάζονται τέρατα του bodybuilding όπως αυτός ο απίστευτος μαύρος αθλητής.

Ορίστε 130 κιλά μυικός όγκος στη μάπα :)

Είναι να μην τα χαζεύει ο κάθε πωρωμένος του φουσκώματος;

Country: USA, Canada

Birthdate: 1965

Height: 185cm/6''1'

Off season weight: 145kg/320lb

Competition weight: 130kg/285lb

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Couple of Guys

The first is Fouad Abiad from a photo by Paul Buceta.
The second guy I've seen, maybe even posted before, but his name escapes me. Scanned from a photo by Pavel Ythjall.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Hawaiian Hurricane

Chris Faildo from a photo by Ian Spanier.
Chris won the Welterweight and Overall titles at the 2007 Team Universe.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Denis Sergovskiy

There's only 1 scan today for a couple of reasons, the main being my partner has left for the U.K. on business so I've been otherwise occupied. Yup, just me and the dog for the next few weeks. On the plus side I've got some new scans to work on and they should be posted soon.
I realize it's not a great muscle shot but it's a nice close up of him.
I'd gladly give credit to the photographer but I've lost my notes.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Two for Wednesday

Okay, so a couple more scans (help, I'm running out!).
The first is James "Flex" Lewis from a small pic, which is why the resolution is kind of poor, and I don't know who took the photograph.
The second is Eric "The House" Fankhouser from a photo by Per Bernal.
Monday, September 22, 2008

A Tuesday Mix

A mix of men because I'm running out of scans for you guys. I hope to get some new stuff soon.
In the meantime, here's Craig Licker from a pic by Irvin Gelb I lifted sometime ago off the web and finally got around to working on. Next up is Adrian Peterson from a photo by Ian Spanier. The last is Brian Wiefering (photo by Marc Royce), not a great image but, hey, it's Brian.
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Some impressive arms on these guys.
The first is Charles Ray Arde from a photo by Chris Lund.
The second is Darrem Charles scanned from an advertisement.
Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Tarek

Some more scans of Tarek Elsetouhi. The first photo is by Chris Lund and the second is by Robert Reiff.
Friday, September 19, 2008

Chris Jalali (#4)

Some scans of Chris I've finally gotten around to posting. The first is from a photo either by Alex Ardenti or Robert Reiff and the second is by Pornchai Mittongtare.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trey Brewer and Even Including Brandon Curry

Trey Brewer and Brandon Curry scanned from ads for products by BSN.
And no, I didn't Photoshop the two of them together, they were printed that way.
Also, while I don't consider them great photos, they do manage to convey muscle size and I like that.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


A good looking guy (can anyone ID?) putting some action into his workout.
Unknown photographer.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Francisco "Paco" Bautista is HUGEEE!

'Αλλος ένας τεράστιος ισπανός bodybuilder.
Θαυμάστε όγκο και γράμμωση!

Country: Spain
Birthdate: 1971
Height: 177cm/5'10''
Off season weight: 130kg/287lb
Competition weight: 111kg/245lb
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wednesday Duo

Some scans I've been meaning to get to. The first is Jud Dean photoed by Troy Phillips for Akimitsu Sadoi and I don't know the name of the second model, photoed by Empyrean Photography.
Monday, September 15, 2008

Tuesday Trio

Winners all. First is Craig Richardson photoed by Pavel Ythjall. Next up is Toney Freeman photoed by Chris Lund. Lastly is Sylvio Samuel (whose abs look like they're about to tear him apart) photoed by Pavel Ythjall.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ronnie Coleman On Stage

I came across this photo in Flex magazine and thought it was terrific. I believe that's Joe Weider presenting Ronnie with his medal. I have no idea when this was taken. Photo by Ian Spanier.
{Sorry, according to readers' comments that's Ben Weider and the year is 2006. Thanks everyone.}
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Musclebear posing

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Some Highlights from the 2008 NPC USA

A couple of readers have asked for more pics of Brandon Curry and some time ago someone requested more group pics so here are my picks of pics from the contest.
The top heavyweights. From left to right: Lee Banks (3rd place), Mark Alvisi (4th), Michael Liberatore (2nd), Brandon Curry (1st).

Brandon Curry

Michael Liberatore

Nathan DeTracy placed 1st in the Middleweight division.
Photos by Pavel Ythjall.
For more photos go to
http://www.flexonline.com/ and click on "Online This Month."

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Athletic Look

Jessie Pavelka, photoed by Empyrean Photography, and Greg Plitt, photoed by Mossimo.

No hulking roid monsters, just good looking guys. Variety, and all that.

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