Females Bodybuilder Photos Gallery

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sunday potpourri

Evan Centopani from an advertisement
Ahmad Ahmad (photo by Neveux)
Mark Erpelding (photo by Gelb)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cathy LeFrancois Interview

Check out the Cathy LeFrancois interview
Saturday, May 30, 2009


Διάφορα μουσκουλιάρικα θέματα για να τελειώσει όμορφα ο μήνας.

Φάε να φουσκώσεις...

Radek Slodkiewicz (Poland)

Terry Mullica (USA)

Matt Duvall (USA)

Ron Schweyer (USA)

Darren Ball (UK)

Claude Groulx (Canada)

Danielle Seccarecci (Italy)
Friday, May 29, 2009

More from the 2009 Iron Man Pro

From the top:
Hidetada Yamagishi, fourth place
Ahmed Haidar, fifth place
Mark Dugdale, eighth place

Friday, May 29, 2009


This is Ronny Rockel, the real third place winner at the 2009 Iron Man Pro.
In the previous post I posted a scan of Evgeny Mishin mislabelled as Ronny. Evgeny finished seventeenth.
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some pics from the 2009 Iron Man Pro

Here are the top 3 from the contest:
Silvio Samuel, First Place
Moe Moussawi, Second
Ronny Rockel, Third
[Please see comments about the third pic]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dennis Wolf

3 more scans of Dennis from photos by Per Bernal.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος.
Ελπίζω να τον χορτάσατε... και για να μην ξεχνιόμαστε,
αυτό το κτήνος έχει 189cm ύψος και φτάνει τα 140 κιλά σε περίοδο όγκου!

Λίγοι bodybuilders έχουν πλάτη σαν του Jean-Pierre!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kyle Harris

28 year old Kyle is from Ohio. He shows you don't have to be big to look good.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Big biceps to die for...

Οι μπρατσάρες του Jean-Pierre είναι για φίλιμα :)

Σφίξιμο δικεφάλων μάζι με τον γίγαντα Nasser El Sonbaty. 'Αλλο τέρας κι αυτό...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Melissa Dettwiller

is a sexy national level bodybuilder with an amazing physique! Images of her can be seen on , , , , , , and . Videos of her can be seen on . Also check out her great and

Image from taken by James Cook
Monday, May 25, 2009

Evan @ the 2009 NY pro

The final posedown. Congratulations Evan.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Evan Centopani turns pro

Evan Centopani wins the 2009 IFBB New York and earns his pro card.

Above, his posing routine.

(It has been pointed out to me, and I should have known, that Evan turned pro 2 years ago. Oops.)

Monday, May 25, 2009

No post today

Due to an unexpected invite yesterday I haven't placed the post I had originally planned. But here's a pic of Michael Liberatore. Enjoy the holiday.
Sunday, May 24, 2009


The next posts will be dedicated to this huge man.
He always been one of my favorites bodybuilders!

'Οπως και με τον Alfonso Del Rio πριν μερικές εβδομάδες, θέλω σήμερα να ξεκινήσω ένα μικρό αφιέρωμα στον ελβετό γίγαντα Jean-Pierre Fux.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A little more Wolf

Some more pics of huge Dennis doing some arm work.
Photos again by Per Bernal.

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