Females Bodybuilder Photos Gallery

Thursday, October 13, 2011

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Stan Mcquay Japan bodybuilder

Stan McQuay (b. July 12, 1973 in Yokosuka, Japan) is an IFBB professional bodybuilder.
Stan has been featured in many bodybuilding magazines and videos, including being featured on the cover of Muscle Polynesia, despite not being Polynesian.

Stan Mcquay

Stan Mcquay Born in Yokosuka, Japan in 1973 to a Japanese mother and Irish father, Stan McQuay moved to the United States with his family at an early age, living first in Illinois before settling in Van Nuys, California. Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, Stan spent most of his free time surfing and skateboarding. Stan became steadily employed and enrolled in community college. At a maximum height of 5’ 7” and weighing 135 lbs, Stan began weight-training in order to gain the muscle-mass necessary for college football.
Most recently, Stan moved a competitive middleweight to a light-heavyweight, and was able to win his pro-card as a light-heavyweight at the 2006 NPC Nationals. He has appeared on the cover of several publications.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tomas Mach muscle worship videos

Czech bodybuilder Tomas (Tanek) Mach... Enjoy him!

Country: Czech Republic
Birthdate: 1982
Height: 183cm/6''
Weight: 105kg/231lb
Arms: 50cm/19,5''
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Iranian bodybuilder Mobin Rostamian

Enjoy another Iranian muscle beef!

Country: Iran
Birthdate: 1985
Height: ?
Competition weight: ?
Off season weight: ?
Sunday, September 25, 2011


Friday, September 23, 2011

Bodybuilders Made in Iran

'Εχω αναφερθεί σε μερικούς Ιρανούς bodybuilders στο παρελθόν, όπως ο Ali Tabrizi που είναι από τους πιο γνωστούς...
Σήμερα θα σας παρουσιάσω διάφορα Περσικά ντερέκια :)

Bodybuilding is very popular in Iran... Ali Tabrizi is one of the most popular athletes but let's see some more big men from this country.

Alireza Asadollahi

Hasan Rahnamaeian

Reza Bagher Zadeh

Faramar Aghazadeh

Baitollah Abbaspour

Amit Sapir

Motjaba Notarki

Mohsen Saberinia

Mohsen Ghorannevis

Ahmad Ali Verdi

Habib Youssefi

Mobin Rostamian

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Iranian bodybuilder Morteza Roshanzamir

Surfing the Internet I found many Persian bodybuilders... One of them is Morteza Roshanzamir. Enjoy the hairy beef!

Country: Iran
Birthdate: 1976
Height: ?
Competition weight: 90kg/209lb
Off season weight: ?
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